Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
The Australian Police Journal (APJ) is the country’s preeminent true crime and policing publication, and it has launched a monthly podcast series! Join host Jason Byrnes (jason@apjl.com.au) as he discusses new APJ articles as well as interviews authors and other people of note, about serious crimes, police history, contemporary developments in policing, and future initiatives. The 'APJ' and 'Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal' are produced by the Australian Police Journal Pty Ltd, a not-for-profit company which traces its history to 1946 when the then Australian police commissioners authorised the publication of a periodical aimed at enhancing technical skills among the police forces of the era.The APJ's webpage is www.apjl.com.au
44 episodes
Communicating with Serial Killers
Noted UK criminologist and author Christopher Berry-Dee talks to Jason Byrnes about his lengthy career in dealing with serial killers, psychopaths and savages. He talks about some of the more memorable people and cases he has dealt with. Chris’...
Episode 44

Victims of Terrorism Australia
To varying degrees, all Australians are either victims of terrorism or have been adversely impacted by terrorist acts. This includes police, emergency workers and counter terrorism professionals. Victims of Terrorism Australia (VOTA...
Episode 43

East Timor Police Peacekeeping
Imagine having to police a war-torn nation with no laws, limited or damaged infrastructure and a deeply traumatised community. That’s what Australian police were faced with in late 1999 when they deployed to East Timor as part of a massive Unit...
Episode 42

Cold Blooded Murder
In the latest podcast from the APJ, hear from two detectives involved in a missing person case which soon became a homicide investigation, and an investigation into criminal drug dealing. Allecha Boyd was reported missing to...
Episode 41

The Insatiable Rapist
A horrid rape and robbery in December 2006 brought Ipswich detectives into contact with a man who had previously been convicted of multiple rapes and sexual assaults in Queensland and New South Wales. On this occasion however, police were initi...
Episode 40

An Enigmatic Death
Police are called to a perplexing scene at a rural property where a man’s body was found lying face down, pinned to the ground by the rear wheel of his utility. There were no tools nearby. Was it a case of death by misadventure, or something mo...
Episode 39

Police Peacekeeping: Cyprus - 1960s
Former policeman Ronald Cornish talks about his time as a police peacekeeper with the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). Sixty years ago, Australia sent its first contingent of police to UNFICYP, to undertake monitoring duti...
Episode 38

Elder Abuse Awareness
Elder abuse is a crime long ignored or downplayed in society. This needs to change, especially as society ages. Abuse can be physical and/or psychological, is often committed by people the victim relies on or trusts, and can hasten a victim's d...
Episode 37

A Chief Police Officer's Perspective - the ACT
Deputy Commissioner Neil Gaughan APM talks about his time as the Chief Police Officer (CPO) for the Australian Capital Territory. The experienced police officer has worked at the local and national levels for 40 years - starting as a general du...
Episode 36

REDUX: An Unexpected 'Mayday' in November
Author and APJ Deputy Editor, retired Detective Senior Sergeant Barry Fay, discusses his 2016 crime case article titled An Unexpected 'Mayday' in November – the callous murder of three men in NSW. The first two were shot inside ...
Season 1
Episode 2

A Commissioner's Perspective - Queensland
Interested in learning about the challenges of police leadership in the 21st Century?The day before she retired from the role of Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service (QPS), Katarina Carroll APM spared some time to talk to Jason ...
Episode 35

Asian Gangs Blood the Yarra
In 2002 three men died in grizzly circumstances in Melbourne, after a series of gang related incidents. One young man was hacked to death by offenders wielding samurai swords. Three of his friends were then chased into the cold Yarra River - tw...
Episode 34

They Walk Amongst Us
APJ Deputy Editor Barry Fay joins host Jason Byrnes to give an overview of the police investigation into a horrific 1978 crime where a mother and two of her young children were abducted from their home. The mother was raped and all three...
Episode 33

The Albatross Arsonist
An arson at a major Australian naval base in December 1976 left the country without its naval surveillance and submarine detection capability for months. It was the most costly and complex fire ever to have occurred in the country, apart from m...
Episode 32

Under Fire
A gunman goes on a rampage in the national capital. He tries to murder two people, explodes his car and sets fire to an office building, recklessly endangers the safety of hundreds of people, and shoots at police. Specialist (tactical) police e...
Season 1
Episode 31

National Police Remembrance Day
In this special episode we learn about the planning and logistics involved in hosting National Police Remembrance Day (NPRD) services in the nation’s capital. The main Dusk Service involves police from across the county. This year the Commissio...
Season 1
Episode 30

The Coiner Killers
It's seldom that counterfeiters end up killing police. Sadly this occurred in 1902 when a 'Coiner' (old Australian slang) murdered two police officers - one in NSW and one in Victoria. In the first case the coiner had an accomplice. Danny Webst...
Season 1
Episode 29

Ballistics expert, Sergeant Gerard Dutton, talks about his extensive career. Crimes mentioned include his recollections of the Belanglo Forest Backpacker Murders investigation and the investigation into the Port Arthur Massacre. He also talks a...
Season 1
Episode 28

Total and Utter Evil
In 2012, 11-month-old Zayden Veal-Whitting was murdered while he was asleep in his bedroom cot, in his home in the regional Victorian city of Bendigo. In this episode we hear about how police were able to identify the offender and bring him to ...
Season 1
Episode 27

The Tip Off
A burglar literally leaves part of himself behind at a crime scene! APJ Deputy Editor Barry Fay talks about a crime scene investigation he conducted at a Bondi restaurant, where he found the tip of the offender's finger. ...
Season 1
Episode 26

Always Expect the Unexpected!
On 30 September 1971 two NSW police officers were murdered at a house in Toongabbie, Western Sydney. The murderer had earlier shot his brother dead, and sexually assaulted his brother’s de-facto partner. After the shootings the murderer fled th...
Season 1
Episode 25

The Port Arthur Massacre
Hear from experienced Tasmania Police forensic officer Tania Curtis APM, who was one of the police who responded to the Port Arthur Massacre on Sunday 28 April 1996. Thirty-five people were shot dead by a lone gunman on the day at Tasmania’s be...
Season 1
Episode 24

Court Craft
Magistrate Greg Grogin talks to host Jason Byrnes about his article titled Court Craft – the essential skills required for police to be effective in court. Mr Grogin has over 30 years of legal expertise (including as defence barrister)...
Season 1
Episode 23

Australia's Body Farm
Learn about Australia’s only human body farm. The Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research – AFTER – is dedicated to better understanding the physical, chemical and biological process of human decomposition down und...
Season 1
Episode 22

Tasmania's Last Hanging
Retired Tasmania Police Detective Inspector David Plumpton joins Jason Byrnes to talk about the murder case that resulted in Tasmania’s last judicially sanctioned hanging. David also talks about his plans regarding the victim’s place of rest. T...
Season 1
Episode 21