Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal

Asian Gangs Blood the Yarra

Australian Police Journal Episode 34

In 2002 three men died in grizzly circumstances in Melbourne, after a series of gang related incidents. One young man was hacked to death by offenders wielding samurai swords. Three of his friends were then chased into the cold Yarra River - two of them drowned.

Recently retired Detective Sergeant Brett Smith wrote the article ‘Asian Gangs Blood the Yarra’ in the June 2009 issue of the APJ. In the podcast Brett, and his then Senior Sergeant Jeff Maher, talk about the challenges facing them at the crime scene and during the investigation and subsequent court case.

The article can be read at the website: www.apjl.com.au.

Jason Byrnes APM

Brett Smith and Jeff Maher