Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
Under Fire
A gunman goes on a rampage in the national capital. He tries to murder two people, explodes his car and sets fire to an office building, recklessly endangers the safety of hundreds of people, and shoots at police. Specialist (tactical) police enter the burning building to hunt for the gunman, while firefighters rescue people stuck in a radio station on the building’s first floor.
In this gripping episode you will hear from police and a firefighter involved in the operation, and how they were able to protect public safety while under fire.
Host/narrator: Jason Byrnes.
Guests: Shane Connelly, Kim Francis, John Jeffery, Brian McDonald, Liz McDonald, Greg Mowle, Ian Prior, Darren Rath and Mark Usback.
Produced by: Adam Axelby and Jason Byrnes.
In-episode music: Luke Axelby.