Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
An Enigmatic Death
Police are called to a perplexing scene at a rural property where a man’s body was found lying face down, pinned to the ground by the rear wheel of his utility. There were no tools nearby. Was it a case of death by misadventure, or something more sinister?
A scientific officer develops a hypothesis which appears far-fetched at police headquarters. A reconstruction of the scene is undertaken, with amazing results.
Recently retired Deputy Editor Barry Fay joins Jason Byrnes to discuss the case, which Barry wrote about in the September 2003 edition of the APJ.
This podcast series is provided free of charge to subscribers and others with an interest in true Australian crime and policing. If you like the series, please leave a review on the podcast downloading platform.
For more information, access to the APJ, and to take out a subscription, go to www.apjl.com.au
Host: Jason Byrnes APM
Guest: Barry Fay