Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal

Communicating with Serial Killers

Australian Police Journal Episode 44

Noted UK criminologist and author Christopher Berry-Dee talks to Jason Byrnes about his lengthy career in dealing with serial killers, psychopaths and savages. He talks about some of the more memorable people and cases he has dealt with. Chris’ books can be purchased through major bookshops and internet sites.

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In the interview Chris mentions serial killer Colonel Russell Williams. The police interview of Williams – which is now used as a training aid for Canadian law enforcement – can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsLbDzkIy3A

Host: Jason Byrnes APM

Guest: Christopher Berry-Dee


Note: After listening to the podcast Christopher advised of two slight errors – John Wayne Gacy was imprisoned in Illinois, not Minnesota. Also, the second cold case regarding Michael Bruce Ross was Dzung Ngoc Tu at Cornell University, Ithica, New York.