Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal

Australia's First Detective and Women, Police & Peace

January 18, 2021 Australian Police Journal (APJ) Season 1 Episode 1

Join us to learn about the latest issue of the Australian Police Journal (APJ), including the story of Israel Chapman, Australia’s first police detective. He was sent to Australia as a convict for the crime of  highway robbery! 

We also speak to an Australian police policy advisor at the United Nations in New York, regarding an online exhibition about female Australian police who have served both domestically and internationally. 

Host: Jason Byrnes
Guests: Phillipa Adams, Pat Paroz APM and Stuart Smith APM.

 More details about the December 2020 issue and the APJ itself are at www.apjl.com.au


Theme: Like We Do It by Grace Mesa, available on Premium Beat
Breaks: Run Run Runnin by Grace Mesa, available on Premium Beat
End: Motivational Digital Piano & Cello by AudioChemicals, available on Audio Jungle