Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
Court Craft
Magistrate Greg Grogin talks to host Jason Byrnes about his article titled Court Craft – the essential skills required for police to be effective in court. Mr Grogin has over 30 years of legal expertise (including as defence barrister) and before that was a police officer – so he’s seen ‘all sides’ of a court room. The tips and issues raised in the podcast are relevant for police in all jurisdictions.
Also appearing in the podcast is APJ Editor Simon Bouda. He discusses the various articles which appear in the March 2023 issue of the APJ, which has been posted to subscribers and can be read at www.apjl.com.au.
The APJ is a not-for-profit publication. If you would like to subscribe, either go to our webpage or contact the APJ office on (02) 9285 3399.
Host: Jason Byrnes
Guests: APJ Editor Simon Bouda AM and Magistrate Greg Grogin