Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
The Australian Police Journal (APJ) is the country’s preeminent true crime and policing publication, and it has launched a monthly podcast series! Join host Jason Byrnes (jason@apjl.com.au) as he discusses new APJ articles as well as interviews authors and other people of note, about serious crimes, police history, contemporary developments in policing, and future initiatives. The 'APJ' and 'Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal' are produced by the Australian Police Journal Pty Ltd, a not-for-profit company which traces its history to 1946 when the then Australian police commissioners authorised the publication of a periodical aimed at enhancing technical skills among the police forces of the era.The APJ's webpage is www.apjl.com.au
Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
Tasmania's Last Hanging
Australian Police Journal
Season 1
Episode 21
Retired Tasmania Police Detective Inspector David Plumpton joins Jason Byrnes to talk about the murder case that resulted in Tasmania’s last judicially sanctioned hanging. David also talks about his plans regarding the victim’s place of rest. The victim, Evelyn Maughan, is buried in an unmarked grave and David wants to erect a headstone to honour her. First, he needs the permission of a family member.
For a few weeks the APJ will also display on its homepage, the 1992 article about the case titled Tasmania’s Last Hanging. The article is written by historian, Reg Watson.
Host: Jason Byrnes
Guest: David Plumpton