Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
The Australian Police Journal (APJ) is the country’s preeminent true crime and policing publication, and it has launched a monthly podcast series! Join host Jason Byrnes (jason@apjl.com.au) as he discusses new APJ articles as well as interviews authors and other people of note, about serious crimes, police history, contemporary developments in policing, and future initiatives. The 'APJ' and 'Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal' are produced by the Australian Police Journal Pty Ltd, a not-for-profit company which traces its history to 1946 when the then Australian police commissioners authorised the publication of a periodical aimed at enhancing technical skills among the police forces of the era.The APJ's webpage is www.apjl.com.au
Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal
The Devil in Disguise
Australian Police Journal
Season 1
Episode 20
The true story of a woman kidnapped from her suburban home and left tied to a tree in bushland, while the offender lazily issued a $500,000 ransom demand. The story is also about the fortunate series of events which led police to rescue the woman before she succumbed to the elements and injuries. Sent to gaol for his horrendous crime, the offender later came to a violent end whilst robbing a second-hand antiques store.
APJ Deputy Editor Barry Fay (accompanied at times by some boisterous birds) talks to podcast host Jason Byrnes about ‘the Devil in Disguise’ – his excellent article about the case.
The full article can be read at www.apjl.com.au.