Policing Australia: The Official Podcast of the Australian Police Journal

Elder Abuse Awareness

Australian Police Journal Episode 37

Elder abuse is a crime long ignored or downplayed in society. This needs to change, especially as society ages. Abuse can be physical and/or psychological, is often committed by people the victim relies on or trusts, and can hasten a victim's death.

Rob Critchlow APM is the author of the article titled 'Dignity and Safety: Responding Effectively to Abuse of Older Persons', which is in the new (June 2024) issue of the APJ. Rob joins host Jason Byrnes, to talk about elder abuse awareness, the forms that abuse can take, and what police should be alert to when dealing with people over the age of 65.

Rob recently retired after 34 years as a police officer, and he also offers some insight into a busy and rewarding career, especially detective duties and being a local area commander.

The APJ is a subscription magazine which is available in hardcopy or at www.apjl.com.au. Go to the website for more details.

Host: Jason Byrnes APM
Guest: Rob Critchlow APM